The Party Lap | A full send, 3-minute ski edit

Watch this all-time party lap at Mammoth Mountain for an unbeatable, action packed 3 minutes, brought to you by Red Bull.
The impressive list of athletes includes:
Props to the cameraman and editing team, and the skiers of course, for this seamless edit. Minute 2:20 might take the win for the biggest grin, or is it the huge jump over the chaitlift?! We’ve contributed a good number to the 250k+ who’ve watched it in just 24 hours. Take a look, you’ll see why:
What’s more, we’re featuring the story behind this mega Mammoth party lap in the next issue of Fall Line magazine, with a behind-the-scenes special. We bring you incredible imagery and word from the production team behind this 3-minute wonder. Subscribe to Fall Line here to ensure you’re first in line to receive the magazine and interview.
Take a look at others in the Fall Line series, diving into the stories behind the world’s most incredible ski photography: