The Great Ski Bake Off

The Great British Back Off (admit it, you watch it) has left us craving cakes, and all that snow in Austria has left us craving the mountains. Put them together and what do you get? Ski-themed cakes! Now you know our logic, let’s get down to business: We’ve got three pairs of Scott Sanction goggles to giveaway… and we’re going to give them to the three best ski-cake bakers!
Entering is pretty simple: lovingly bake and decorate your cake, take a photo and then post it on our Facebook, Twitter (@FallLineSkiing) or Instagram (@falllinemag) with the hashtag #skicakes. Alternatively you can send it via email to and we’ll post it on your behalf.
The competition will close on 12 October 2015, and our usual terms and conditions apply.
Need some inspiration? We scoured the internet (well, Pinterest) for our favourite ski bakes… enjoy!