Dawn Patrol – Why We Rise, by Black Diamond

Wake up, sleepyheads. There's daylight to burn. Presenting Black Diamond's new seven minute Dawn Patrol video 'Why We Rise' that'll make you reconsider sleeping in.

ski touring skins dawn patrol

The alarm goes off. It would be so easy to bail. You could hit snooze and crawl back into the warmth of your bed and slip into another dream. But that fantasy ends as the aspiration of the morning’s reality slowly builds. Your feet touch the cold floor, and the ritual begins.

Coffee brews, gear is packed – you step into the dark. The cold catches your breath. You slide into the skin track and the world comes alive.

‘To live is to rise’, say Black Diamond athletes Alex Lowe and Andrew McLean.

Earlier mornings, not for bravado sake, but to get you out that much further.

Lighter gear, not to count grams, but to . achieve bigger objectives.

Or, hell, maybe just to sneak one in before you have to clock in.

There’s something to be said for having a little extra daylight to burn.

Watch it here:

We all have rituals that define who we are. At Black Diamond, the Dawn Patrol is ours

To shop the Dawn Patrol (aka ski touring) collection, visit the Black Diamond site for LT bindings, avi beacon, gloves and more.

And visit our Everything Backcountry page, sponsored by Black Diamond, for more ski stories from the mountain.

skier on mountaintop at dawn
skiers out at dawn