This beautiful JaPOW video shows why every skier should visit Japan

A trip to Japan is something most skiers dream of, but it really is one of those places you HAVE to visit. Not just because of the powder, deep and dry and intoxicatingly-good as it is, either. The simple fact is that Japan is one of the most fascinating countries in the world: it’s weird, wonderful, crazy and just so deeply different and exotic and alien to anything we have in Europe. At times beautiful and at others just downright wacky, there’s simply nowhere else like it on the planet. Oh, and it snows a lot too.
This incredibly beautiful short video from cinematographer Mattias Evangelista captures the essence of what the Japanese ski experience is really like, from the busy streets of Tokyo to the remote hills of Myoko, Nozawa and Hakuba.
This Is Japan
I’ve spent the last two January’s skiing and traveling in Japan. This is a place unlike any other. A place where old meets new, where tradition clashes with modernization and where beauty meets chaos. What’s left is a culture so rich and diverse you have to see it to believe it.
Evangelista has spent the past two Januaries in skiing, travelling and filming in Japan. In his own words, he describes it as: “a place unlike any other. A place where old meets new, where tradition clashes with modernization and where beauty meets chaos. What’s left is a culture so rich and diverse you have to see it to believe it.”
If that isn’t a good enough reason to go book some flights, we don’t know what is!