These snacks are perfect for backcountry ski trips

Too often when we need an energy boost in the backcountry we reach for jelly babies, chocolate or relatively expensive gels. Most of us pay scant attention to refuelling in a healthy andsatisfying way up the mountain. So why not expand the potential for on-the-move nibbles by making one or more of these easy-to-prepare snacks and sticking it in your pack? Not only will doing so reduce the number of preservatives in your food, it will dramatically increase the taste factor. All the recipes can be tweaked infinitely by adding your favourite ingredients.
Ingredients (serves 2)
Melt the chocolate and purée the beetroot in a jug blender or food processor. Add the walnuts and blitz again. Add the chocolate, sugar and salt and mix well. Pour the mix into a Tupperware container and chill. Cut into squares and store.
Ingredients (makes 150g)
Place the chopped apples, sugar and ginger in a pot. Add enough water to cover a quarter of the apples. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly.
Reduce the heat to a simmer and continue to cook. When the apples are reduced to mush turn off the heat. Blend until smooth with a stick or jug blender. Cut greaseproof paper to fit an oven tray. Set the oven low (40-60ºC) and dry the apple purée – keep the oven door open for best airflow. Dry until slightly tacky but not wet. Leave to cool then cut into strips.
Expedition chef Kieran rustles up an energy-packed meal |Liz Seabrook PhotographyIngredients (makes about 25 balls)
In a food processor chop the dates and apricots roughly. Add the linseed, almonds and cashews and blend. Mix in the date syrup, tahini paste, spices and salt. Add the citric acid and blend. Turn onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Chill in the fridge for 1hr. Roll into small balls and coat them in one or more of the powders.
This was inspired by a video clip from snowboarder Mike Basich, where he cooked a simple quesadilla on his monster 4×4 truck on his way to a secret powder stash.
Chicken, mango and mint quesadillas, cooked on the move | Claire BurgeIngredients (serves 2)
Chicken, mango and mint
(for 2 of the quesadillas)
Black bean and pico de gallo
(for the other 2 quesadillas)
Hot salsa (makes about 200ml)
Store the ingredients for the two fillings in separate Tupperware boxes or reusable Ziploc bags.
To make the hot salsa:
Bring the water to the boil and season. Boil the tomatoes in the water for 1min. Remove using a slotted spoon, cool slightly and peel. Return to the water, simmer and add the onion and chilli. Cook for 5min, purée with a stick blender and pass through a fine sieve. Bottle and refrigerate. Will keep for 3-4 days in a fridge.
30 mins before your destination:
Pull over to the side of the road, preferably somewhere you’re not going to have a ton of exhaust fumes messing with your flavours! Slice the chicken, tomatoes, mango, and onion. Finely shred the coriander and mint. Place 4 sheets of tinfoil onto the car bonnet. Lay a tortilla on each piece of tinfoil and add the toppings, including the grated cheese. Fold the tortilla in half, taking care not to lose any filling. Wrap tightly with the tinfoil. Wrap all 4 tinfoil parcels together with the 5th sheet of tinfoil. Place securely on top of the hottest part of your engine.
At the road head:
Dig out the warm quesadillas, top with salsa and you’re set.