Fall Line is looking for a Web Manager

Fall Line is the definitive ski mag and we’re looking to continue and improve the ride online.
We are looking for a Website Manager to join our team working across our two websites, fall-line.co.uk and welove2ski.com
Are you an SEO pro?
Do you get excited by analytics?
Do you have experience with WordPress and the day-to-day running of a website?
If so, we want to hear from you.
We have great content, fantastic contributors and an eager audience we want to feed and grow.
Think you fit the bill? Get in touch and show us what you’ve done to date.
Ski knowledge is always a good thing, though not essential. A desire to develop and grow a content-rich website is the key quality we’re after.
Email Editor Nicola at nicola@fall-line.co.uk to introduce yourself and request the full job spec, or send an application.